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Get an insurance quote!

Erection All Risk

The Erection All Risks Policy is a comprehensive insurance which provides complete protection against all types of risks involved in the erection of machinery, plant and steel structures of any kind.

Section 1 – Material Damage

This section of the Policy provides cover against a wide range of perils. Some of the covered perils are:

  • Fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft damage
  • Riot, strike, malicious act
  • Flood, inundation, storm, cyclone and allied perils
  • Landslide, subsidence and rockslide
  • Burglary and theft
  • Human errors
  • Short circuiting, arcing, excess voltage
  • Electrical and mechanical breakdown
  • Collapse, damage due to foreign objects, impact damages

Section 2 – Third Party Liability

Under this section of the Policy, Insurer will indemnify the insured against legal liability for damages and claimant's costs and expenses due to:

  • Accidental bodily injury and / or death of any third party
  • Accidental loss of or damage to property belonging to third party

Occurrence during the period of insurance directly caused by the activities of the insured whilst performing duties on the project site as described in the policy schedule.

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Erection All Risk Quote

General Information:


What you are covered for?

Please refer to the documents for policy wording and relevant clauses.

Company informations

Atlas Insurance LTD.

63/A, Block-XX, Phase III (Commercial)
Khyaban-e-Iqbal, DHA, Lahore, Pakistan

Contact details

E-mail address:

+92 300 0344488

Available 24/7

(042) 111 245 000

Available Mon-Fri 8:30am - 5:15pm
(Working Days)